A Prayer for Your Children’s Protection


A Prayer for Your Children’s Protection

A Prayer for Your Children’s Protection

Father, I entrust my children into Your loving care. You are the most powerful influence in their lives, so I ask You to surround them with Your constant presence and safety. Because You love children, You are even more concerned than I am as a parent. You take their protection seriously. Place Your Holy Spirit around them like a bubble that deflects any harm aimed their way. Guard them from danger at school, whether from outside or inside. Place Your angels in strategic places, ready to move on their behalf. Let no evil come near them.

Give them a steadfast faith and trust in You that puts their fears at rest, knowing they will live in safety with Your solid protection. Guard them from temptation and those who would try to make them compromise their convictions. When trouble comes, let them cry out to You, their Deliverer and Refuge. May their security rest not in this world, but in their relationship with You and in their eternal future. Impress on them daily that this world is not their final home, and that nothing and no one can ever separate them from Your love. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.


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