A Prayer for Your Husband’s Protection


A Prayer for Your Husband’s Protection

A Prayer for Your Husband’s Protection

Lord Jesus, I ask You to protect my husband and shield him from danger. Make him strong, defined by Your character, so that he can lean hard on You for wisdom in any situation. Guard him by the power of Your name, and allow nothing formed against him to prosper. Hold him close to Your heart, with his eyes focused always on You. At home, work, or wherever he goes, keep his heart and thoughts pure. Lead him away from temptation, and help him to be continually aware of his enemy’s efforts to distract, deceive, or discourage him. Cancel every attempt to discredit my husband or his salvation.

May Your right hand strengthen him daily as You guard him with your presence. Help him wear his spiritual armor well, as he tries to lead his family with integrity and honor. Seal up the exits that cry for escape when responsibilities grow heavy on his shoulders. Thank You that You promise to carry his burdens and lighten his load in the daily battles of life. Preserve his testimony and keep his faith rooted deeply in You, Lord. You are His Sure Defense, and You are the only One who can truly keep him safe. Thank You, Jesus.


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